Deer Camp - Camp Fish Lake |
The group
deer pole shot on Sunday, second weekend. |
The trailer
of Whitetails. |
Dave's buck. |
Group deer
pole. |
The deer
pole early under snow, early in the second weekend. |
The trailer
of Whitetails. |
Gary's buck. |
Noah's first
buck. A 225-lb. brute, one of the biggest bucks we have
ever shot. |
Noah's buck
with the entire camp there to admire it. |
Noah's buck. |
Noah's buck. |
Noah's second
buck, a 10-pointer, of 2002. |
- Ben's First Year and His First Buck, Too. |
Ben's first
buck - a 5 pointer. |
One happy
guy. |
Still happy.
Nice buck, Ben! |
Drew's nice
10 pointer. Drew is the hardest working deer hunter
I know, and it pays off for him and rest of the camp
as well. |
fire stories on Saturday night on the opening day. |
Ben is eating
what almost looks like a tiny watermelon, but could
also be a buck testicle or lymph gland or who knows
what. |
it was...he ate it. |
This is
what Drew looks like when he has only shot a
10-point buck on Opener day. |
Tony and
Dave, looking like they are not having much fun at all. |
Drew drives
in his 10-Point Buck and looks satisfied with the level
of success. Nice buck. |
Greg cutting
out the tenderloins from his second buck of his career. |
Ben "BuckSlayer"
Finch - Professional extraordinaire. |
Eric and
Justin Middleton showed up to see the deer on Sunday
evening. Looks to me like a future BuckSlayer on the
left there... |
Ben and
Greg cutting out the tenderloin backstrap muscles for
immediate grilling with the heart and liver. |
John Owen's
big swamp buck. |
Deer Camp |
Dave, Al
and Drew. |
The pole
starts filling up early. |
Four really
nice bucks. |
This was
the first of the big twins that Drew shot, this being
the 9 pointer of the two. The 10-pointer is pictured
above (five rows up) and is now mounted in the Camp
Fish Cabin. |
Two nice
bucks. |
Tony and
Mike pose with the bucks. |
Tony with
a ubiquitous cigar. |
Tony with
a buck. Note the blood on my Levi's. |
Tony again. |
Deer Camp |
Greg, Dave
and Tony. This is my first buck. |
Deer Camp |
Drew's really
big buck. |
The really
big buck mounted. |
Previous Deer Camp Photo Galleries:
2002 |