W. C. Levengood, Biophysicist, in
his Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory, Grass Lake,
Michigan. Photograph by Linda Moulton Howe |
Grass Lake, Michigan - Biophysicist W.
C. Levengood is convinced that whatever causes the crop
circle phenomenon uses a rapid and intense energy which
produces cell changes in affected plants. By the summer
of 2000, Levengood had studied plants from at least three
hundred crop formations in Israel, Australia, Canada,
the United States, England and Holland. He found a repeating
pattern of biochemical and biophysical changes in formation
plants and magnetic anomalies in soils which lead him
to conclude that what was interacting with crop formation
plants and soil was 'a spinning plasma vortex.' But what
was creating the vortices?
Now, American crop formation investigator Jeffrey Wilson
and cropcirclenews.com are scanning nearly two hundred
of biophysicist Levengood's original Pinelandia Lab reports
about biochemical and biophysical changes Levengood has
studied in the plants and soil of genuinely mysterious
crop patterns.
To study Levengood's work as it is scanned and archived,
go to Cropcirclenews.com . This section is for articles
provided by Mr. Levengood, copied by Dr. Charles Lietzau
and Jeffrey Wilson, and scanned by Gene Thomas.
The following is an excerpt about W. C. Levengood's crop
circle research from my book,
Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles.
Scientific Evidence That Cannot Be Hoaxed
Biophysicist Levengood has analyzed hundreds and hundreds
of plants from crop formations in his own curiosity about
what unusual energies are interacting with the plants
to produce some of the biochemical and biophysical changes
he has confirmed in his laboratory. In his own words,
he says that 'a spinning plasma vortex with a microwave
component and complex lower energy ion-electron pulses'
have interacted with many formation plants he has studied.
He also asserts that the energy interaction that creates
formations must occur rapidly, in a few seconds. Otherwise,
he would find evidence of burning or charring from the
microwave heating. But he does not find such damage, and
the formation plants continue to live and grow until harvest.
Those biochemical and biophysical changes that Levengood
has documented include a combination of swollen and reoriented
growth nodes, ruptured growth nodes, metabolism changes
in plant cells and magnetic iron particles deposited over
the plant surfaces and surrounding soil.
Levengood published his research in a 1999 international
journal, Physiologia Plantarum (105:615-624). He wrote,
'The findings reported here lend further support to a
decade of research with empirical data which suggests
that over 95% of worldwide crop formations (he has studied)
involve organized ion plasma vortices that deliver lower
atmosphere energy components of sufficient magnitude to
produce significant bending, expansion and formation of
unique expulsion cavities in plant stem pulvini (swelling
at base of leaf stalk), as well as significant changes
in seedling development.'
Blue Ball, Maryland, 1995; Photographs
© 1995 by W. C. Levengood.
Top: Normal wheat stems and growth nodes.
Bottom: Nodes lengthened 130 to 200 percent
and reoriented. |
The Blue Ball, Maryland plants from 1995
averaged 130% to 200% node lengthening and dramatic reorientation
from the normal straight vertical. The cause is thought
to be rapid heating and expansion by microwave energies
which collapse the cell tissue in the upper nodes and
produce the angled reorientation.
Nodes on wheat stems closer to the ground have tougher,
more mature tissue. Levengood thinks that water-cell components
in those lower growth nodes build up pressure and, like
safety valves, literally burst open to create what he
calls 'expulsion cavities.' Sixty-five to eighty-five
percent of the Blue Ball, Maryland wheat formation plants
contained expulsion cavities, while none were found in
the control plants from outside the downed crop.
The photographs below show an excellent contrast between
four exploded growth nodes from a wheat formation in Logan,
Utah in August 1996, compared to normal control plants.
Growth node expulsion cavities from
Logan, Utah wheat formation, August 1996. Biophysicist
Levengood thinks microwave energies heat up node cell
water to explosive force.
Photograph © 1996 by W. C. Levengood. |
Normal growth nodes in wheat plants
collected as controls in Logan, Utah, August 1996.
Photograph © 1996 by W. C. Levengood. |
'There is no way that wind or air motion
from a helicopter or pressure from boards, feet or string
could produce these biochemical and biophysical changes,'
Levengood said. 'The plants have been affected by an intense
In addition to these fundamental biophysical and biochemical
changes in the wheat plant themselves, Levengood has also
studied plants from England and the United States that
have been coated with a deposit of iron oxide, hematite
and magnetite, that he believes are fused particles of
meteoritic origin.
Cherhill, Wiltshire, England, 1993.
Semi-molten magnetic iron deposited on wheat leaf
and shows imprint of leaf's epidermal cell structure.
Photograph © 1993 by W. C. Levengood. |
... Over 70% of approximately forty crop
formations Levengood has investigated with magnet drags
turn up iron deposits on the surface of the soil. ...Levengood
has found high concentrations of magnetic iron in many
crop formations, occasionally more than 700 times higher
concentrations than the normal 0.4 milligrams of magnetite
per gram of soil. Further, soil samples continue to confirm
distribution (of the magnetite) by centrifugal spinning
Biophysicist Levengood contemplates past research about
the known natural forces of spiral auroras which originate
in spiral electric fields of the magnetosphere and map
down along geomagnetic field lines into the ionosphere.
Then he wonders if such spiral electric fields in the
magnetosphere could be linked to whatever force interacts
with cereal crops around the world to create geometric
and other patterns.
"Is it possible that a pair of these downward directed,
counterclockwise plasma vortices intersected and captured
meteoric dust along the way, which in turn, was maintained
or heated back to a semi-molten state by the microwaves
of sub-vortices which carried it to the ground with its
subsequent crop flattening energies? If so, this would
indicate a heretofore unknown phenomenon of ionospheric
plasma vortices descending to the Earth's surface."