Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, considered a probable
White House candidate in 2008, joined 2004 nominee Sen.
John Kerry and other Democrats today in urging that felons
be permitted to vote by 2006.
The provision is part of an election reform
bill, the Count Every Vote Act, which includes making
Election Day a federal holiday to encourage voting.
There are an estimated 4.7 million Americans
barred from voting because of their felonious criminal
"Once again we had a federal election
that demonstrates we have a long way to go," said
Clinton, who suggested the 2004 presidential vote count
was questionable. Kerry lost the election by 3.3 million
votes and 118,000 in the pivotal state of Ohio.
in 2008, man!!! |
Kerry denied the legislation was an attempt
to discredit or tarnish President Bush's election victory.
"This has nothing to do with me,"
said Kerry. "It is not partisan, or shouldn't be."
Clinton and Kerry were joined in endorsing
the bill only by Democrats, including Rep. Stephanie Tubbs
Jones, D-Ohio, and Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.
"I think it's also necessary to make
sure our elections meet the highest national standards,"
said Clinton.
The bill would also:
- Require paper receipts for votes.
- Authorize $500 million to help states
make the changes in voting systems and equipment.
- Require adoption of the changes in
time for the 2006 election.
Boxer said the bill "is meant to
ensure the election debacle of 2000, and the serious election
irregularities of 2004, never ever happen again."
Both parties have called for changes to
ensure a more accurate vote count. Republican efforts
have centered on reducing voter fraud, while Democrats
have called for making access to the ballot box easier
and simpler.