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Building Exploded As U.S. Troops Surrounded It In Baghdad
April 26, 2004

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A U.S. Army soldier (below) secures the area after an explosion leveled a building in northern Baghdad Monday, setting four U.S. Humvees nearby on fire.

An explosion leveled part of a building as American troops searched it for suspected production of "chemical munitions," a U.S. general said. Two soldiers were killed and five wounded in the blast, and a cheering mob of Iraqis looted their wrecked Humvees, taking away weapons and equipment.

Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt did not say what sort of chemical munitions were believed to be produced at the site.

"Chemical munitions could mean any number of things," including smoke grenades, he said. After the blast, there was no sign in the area of precautions against chemicals.

(AP Photo/Karim Kadim) Navigation Links

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