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Madeline Island, Wisconsin - Gales of November?!
LaPointe, WI
Tony and Molly on a day trip to Madeline Island, timed PERFECTLY for VERY unseasonal 65+ degree sunny temps. We were the only trekkers in Big Bay State Park. Everyone else totally missed out on this gem of a day!
November 4, 2008

Some sculpture at Tom's Burned Down Cafe.  
Are they just bicycles? Or are they art? I say they are actually both!  
Big Bay State Park
There was a Mylar® balloon down on the shore below. Molly found it just as unacceptable as I did, so she scrambled down to retrieve it. Once she had it, she looked up and asked, "What should I do with it?" I said, "Pop it, and put it in your pocket!" So she did!
Sandstone layer erosion at water level...
Fantastic "greener-than-green" moss on the north shore of Big Bay State Park. Obviously not much sunlight hitting the rocks here. A chlorophyll explosion? Yep!
Nice little beach color close-up image... This was way past "fall colors," but dew-dropped oak leaves like this were everywhere...
Copyright © 2008 Tony Rogers