Tischer Creek - Winter Night Images
These were taken from 8:00pm to 8:30pm
with long time exposures so it almost looks like dusk
just after sunset. The first two are 4 minute exposures
at f/3.5 and the third tree/star/sky image is 12 minutes
at f/5.6. The only light on these images is from the extreme
upper atmosphere reflection and just starlight. I tried
"painting" the scenes with artificial light
and they look stupid compared to these natural light photos.
It was not pitch dark, but it was dark. And the ice I
was on setting up my tripod and camera was severely sketchy!
I keep emergency ice piks in my pockets when I do river crap
like this, just in case some shelf collapses and I need
to drag out. This time of year is wicked for that.
March 16, 2006