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Fresh Snowfall - Lester River, Brighton Beach and the Duluth Lakewalk
Description: snow, ice and ducks, lots of ducks, man!
Many of us have been bitching that we don't get any real winters around here any more, but we are finally starting to get a real one. The snow is stacking up nicely!

February 1, 2004 
Amity Creek walk bridge above-stream before joining Lester River above Superior Street. Overflow seepage creating a nice layered shelf under the main bridge.
It is not overall very pretty under the bridge, but I got some interesting light. The rippled ice seen here was soft enough to push your fist right through into a layer of water.
The bleak horizon off Brighton Beach, with two fantastically-parallel leads near the shoreline.  Just a neat frozen shoreline.
My ride, looking groovy through a wide angle lens on the beach. Lorna joined me on the Lakewalk, and we found a pool of about 200 mallards.
Quite a little herd of ducks, each about the size of Lorna's dog, Sport. Lorna and her kick-ass little dog, Sport.
Copyright © 2003 Tony Rogers