...you spend more on ammunition than on
groceries (easier to do than you think!)
...you think a mortgage is a terrible waste
of shooting money.
...people automatically phone you at the gun dealer's
before bothering to call you at home.
...you go to the match site anyway on a rainy day just to
bitch about the weather.
.the smell of bug spray reminds you of summer matches.
.you go to divorce court and are willing to give up
everything except your reloading equipment and used brass.
.you don't remember your anniversary or your mother's
birthday, but you know what your match scores have been
for the past two and a half years.
.your business suits have oversized belt loops.
.you can't imagine anybody going on vacation without their
range bag.
.tan is your favorite color.
.you refer to your girlfriend dumping you as a "DQ."
.your gun costs more than your car.
.you forget to lower your voice when talking to your
non-shooting friends.
.you know to the foot how many yards it is from your
driveway to the range.
...you're named "co-defendant" in your UPS guy's Workman's
Comp case.
...you find yourself carting a wagon with a cooler and
range bag around with you everywhere you go.
...you double tap the shutter button on your camera when
you take a picture.
...your gun shop charges you rent.
...you yell "shooter ready!" while standing in front of a
...the first number on your phone speed-dialer is to
Dillon Precision.
...you won't buy a sports car because there's no room in
the trunk for your range gear.
...what everyone thinks is your aftershave is really
Hoppe's #9.
...you have no clean towels but your black BDU's are
dry-cleaned every week.
...you practice dry-firing in front of your TV during "The
Muppets" and "The Simpsons" because primary colors are
easier to see.